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Enneagram Certified

Working in Cafe
Home: Welcome
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I’m Meg, an enneagram certified coach, who would love to guide you into greater personal insight so that you’re able to holistically integrate your life.

I believe, that as you let me guide you in this process, you'll begin to thrive. Your illuminated self-awareness and understanding will set you on the path to transformative growth, internally and overflowing externally into your relationships, places of work and community. 

I'd love to meet you!

 Contact me for a free 15 minute consultation call to discuss how a coaching journey may fit what you're looking for.

Home: About Me


Do you ask yourself, "Why do I think about and experience life the way I do?"

Why do others seem to see things differently? 

Have you found yourself stuck in patterns that you can’t seem to find your way out of? For whatever reason, reaching certain goals feels nearly impossible?

Do you have relationships that always seem to revisit the same conversation, or “fight” with your spouse that never seems to fully resolve? 

The enneagram is a powerful tool that offers language to understand nine unique experiences of the world. Understanding your enneagram type will bring insight to your core motivations, fears, strengths, coping mechanisms, and behavior tendencies. This awareness allows a deep dive from HOW I function in the world to WHY I experience it the way I do, illuminating specific patterns of thinking, feeling, and being. 

As your enneagram certified coach, I will guide you on a personalized journey of insight and integration. As you understand and gain insight through the lens of your enneagram type, self-awareness becomes self-compassion, which ultimately leads to internal healing and transformative growth.

Internal growth and health naturally overflows into all other areas of our lives. The Integration phase of your coaching journey will assist you in utilizing your regained power to achieve the outcomes you desire in your workplace, in your personal and relational goals, and making greater impact in the various roles you walk in.

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Coaching Packages

Support Group
A Woman Sitting in a Coffee Shop and Wri
Cliff Hiking

Group Workshops

Individual Coaching
Phase I

Individual Coaching
Phase II

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"Instead of feeling like my personality is compartmentalized into secular and sacred, Meg brought everything together and contextualized it inside the gospel message."

Home: Testimonials

"I am grateful for my time spent diving into my enneagram with Meg. She was a great coach who made each week engaging, fun (important for type 7’s like me), and deeply insightful into my own tendencies. As a person who typically avoids grief; I am thankful for the tools I gained through this process. Through my coaching with Meg I have not only stepped into the grief of my father passing but was even able to share this process with some of my friends. I would highly recommend this process to anyone who wants to better understand themselves."

Chris Trejo

"While I considered myself well informed regarding my Enneagram type, having personal coaching with Meg gave me deeper insights that led to actual growth. Identifying with content that I read compared to conversing and understanding personal experiences allowed me to practice and utilize tools in every day life. Meg led our sessions in a way that created space, grace, and flexibility while also encouraging and inspiring growth. I'm thankful and proud of the work I've done during our time together."

Lindsay Econe

"Meg was brilliant at helping me discover parts of me that I may have overlooked or surpassed. After I would brain dump thoughts or memories, she helped me find themes and perspectives I hadn't recognized before. I always left our times eager to put what I've learned into action."

Mitch Fierro

"I had taken the enneagram test and read the result on my own. It was interesting, but not too useful in terms of application. Some of the language that is used was hard for me to understand, and I didn't have the energy to research it on my own. Taking this course with Meg helped me understand every part of the enneagram. I especially appreciated that Meg takes time to listen really well, even things that seem unrelated, she can put it into context. I have a better understanding of my personality type and got to know myself better. Instead of feeling like my personality is compartmentalized into secular and sacred, she brought everything together and contextualized it inside the gospel message. I highly recommend taking time to do 6 sessions because there are so much to unpack and apply!

Mary Lee

"If you want to understand yourself better in light of who you were created to be, I strongly recommend meeting with Meg. She takes the time to listen and gently guides you to deep places of reflection and discovery. At times the process may bring up some pain; however, Meg, with her sincere and loving presence, is the perfect guide. I am confident that God will do in you what he did in me, and bring you to a healthier place in your relationship with yourself, others, and him."

Katie Herbst



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